KB Financial Group is Korea’s leading financial institution with the largest customer base and the most extensive branch network in the country. With total assets exceeding US$380 Billion, the Group wields a solid capital prowess and enjoys a strong brand loyalty. KB Financial Group was incorporated on September 29, 2008 in Seoul, Korea. The Company's operations include Kookmin Bank, a commercial bank in Korea. The Company operates through six business segments: retail banking operations, corporate banking operations, other banking operations, credit card operations, investment and securities operations, and life insurance operations. The retail banking operations include retail banking services provided by Kookmin Bank. The corporate banking operations include corporate banking services provided by Kookmin Bank. The other banking operations include Kookmin Bank's banking operations other than retail and corporate banking operations, including treasury activities. The credit card operations include credit card activities conducted by KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company. The investment and securities operations include securities brokerage, investment banking, securities investment and trading and other capital markets services conducted by KB Investment & Securities. The life insurance operations include life insurance and wealth management services provided by KB Life Insurance Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company. As of December 31, 2014, Kookmin Bank had a combined banking network of 1,161 branches.